Kyoto International University (KIU) offers quality western education
you can immerse yourself in while in Japan.
Your studying abroad becomes more flexible
by earning and transferring 1 term ~ 2 years' worth of college credits.

KIU can address your worries over studying abroad!

Worries over English fluency & Difference in education
Fluency-based placement allows you to strengthen your English at an appropriate pace. You will take in-school TOEFL tests every term so that you can track your growth objectively.
American-style classes are taught with bilingual interpretation. You will acquire critical thinking and discussion skills while gaining a wide range of knowledge in business, social sciences, and other fields.

Worries over school choice & application
Experienced advisors will provide you with tailored guidance while seeking a good match while considering your needs/wants. By joining the annual college tour, you will be able to visit more than 10 schools in the US yourself. Transfer application support includes essay writing support, recommendations, and more!

Worries over expensive tuition
You can save the tuition and living costs by earning and transferring 1 term ~ 2 years' worth of college credits.
Inquire the school office for details on the shining record of scholarships offered to our alumni!
Winter 2025
New & Transfer Student Admissions
Application Deadline
November 11, 2024 (Fri)*
KIU serves applicants with different needs by accepting enrollment in Spring (April), Fall (September,), and Winter (January).
*International students requiring visas must submit the application by the early deadline.